Adwuma Pa

Empowering Women and Girls in Supply Chains
Project Duration:
November 2018
November 2022
Funding and Year:

The Adwuma Pa project works to reduce the risk of child and forced labor, and other exploitative labor practices by improving the economic participation and empowerment of women and girls within cocoa-producing communities in Ghana.

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The Problem

Child labor, forced labor, and other labor violations remain a persistent problem within Ghana’s cocoa supply chain. Moreover, women as well as girls aged 15–17 remain particularly vulnerable to exploitation.

Girls make up over half of the child laborers in the cocoa supply. They are more often burdened with additional unremunerated housework than their male counterparts. Lack of access to education also places girls at an even greater risk for exploitation in this sector.

Ghanaian women and girls of legal working age who participate in cocoa production often lack access to land, resources, information, and training that could increase their productivity, profitability, and financial independence. While men typically take the final product to market, negotiate prices, and ultimately control the profit from the sale of the product, women and girls are more constrained from access to, and a role in, working with local markets.

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Our Strategy

The Adwuma Pa project (“Adwuma Pa” means “business ethics” in the Akan language) is designed to work within 80 cocoa-producing communities across four districts in Ghana, helping increase women and girl’s economic participation and growth within the cocoa sector and improving companies’ business practices to protect against child labor, forced labor, and violations of labor rights.

CARE’s project builds upon a decade of experience working with private sector partners in Ghana’s cocoa supply chain. Using a Gender Equality and Women’s Voice framework, the project works to improve the economic participation and empowerment of women and girls within this supply chain.

In addition, the Adwuma Pa project seeks to improve business practices and gender-sensitivity of executive management, including local staff, and senior procurement specialists, to protect against child and forced  labor, and exploitative labor practices.

Grantee: Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE)
Implementing Partners: Olam Ghana, Ltd.
Contact Information:
(202) 693-4843
Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (OCFT)