
Title Amount Location Grantee Start Sort ascending End

HIV/AIDS Workplace Education

$949,320 Russia International Labor Organization (ILO)/FHI 09/29/2003 09/29/2008


  • Work with a high-ranking National Tripartite Board to develop innovative strategies for involving government, employers, labor and relevant NGOs to promote and sustain workplace based HIV/AIDS prevention education programs.
  • Develop and distribute relevant information, education and communications materials.
  • Conduct presentations, workshops and provide follow-up technical assistance for employers and unions on how to implement workplace prevention programs.
  • Work with local institutions to develop a cadre of trainers who can provide technical assistance to

$949,320 Russia International Labor Organization (ILO) 01/01/2003 12/31/2008

Pension Reform

$260,826 Poland Department of Labor's Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration (DOL PWBA) 09/29/2002 09/29/2004

Community Based Innovations to Combat Child Labor Through Education I & II (Circle I & II)

$8,085,000 Albania, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Nepal, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Vietnam Winrock 09/29/2002 09/29/2008

Pension Reform

$341,651 Hungary Department of Labor's Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration (DOL PWBA) 09/29/2001 09/29/2002

Social Insurance

$371,290 Bulgaria National Academy of Social Insurance 09/29/2001 09/29/2002

Local Economic Development

$341,651 Hungary Worldwide Strategies Incorporated (WSI) 09/29/2001 09/29/2004

Local Economic Development

$4,850,000 Bulgaria Worldwide Strategies Incorporated (WSI) 09/29/2001 09/29/2004

Social Insurance Reform

$210,133 Romania National Academy of Social Insurance 09/29/2001 09/29/2002

Social Insurance Reform

$260,611 Lithuania Actuarial Research Cooperation 09/29/2001 09/29/2003


No Research Evaluations available.

Showing 1 - 7 of 7 results