Under Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act, federal contractors and subcontractors—those who do business with the federal government—are prohibited from discriminating in employment against individuals with disabilities. Section 503 also requires many of these employers to take proactive steps to recruit, hire, retain, and advance qualified people with disabilities. Section 503 is enforced by the department's Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), and ODEP works closely with OFCCP to help federal contractors meet their requirements and disability inclusion goals under this regulation.

Excellence in Disability Inclusion Award

Excellence in Disability Inclusion Award

To recognize federal contractors that excel in meeting their responsibilities under Section 503 and exemplify the spirit of disability inclusion, OFCCP and ODEP established the Excellence in Disability Inclusion (EDI) Award. Interested federal contractors should visit the EDI Award website to learn more.


For more resources for employers, visit ODEP's Employers page.